I've taken the plunge from the software to the hardware tinkering - beyond replacing disk drives and upping memory to trying out my first build! I've been buying all the parts over the last 6-8 months and the other day I finally got the motherboard - an msi P6N SLI. This weekend I took some precious hours here and there and got everything together and.... well the title says it all. Turned it on, lots of cool lights, all the fans and disks start whirring, and nothing on the screen. No beeps, no video, no easy way to tell what's going on.
So more hours spent trying to diagnose - even going so far as taking the board out and running it outside the case. The video card worked in another computer so it's looking like a DOA motherboard - I can't tell you how bad that sucks!!!! Most problems should at least generate a series of beeps, so unless it is the video card, which should cause a specific set of beeps, then I got screwed. From reading the reviews it's not totally uncommon for any board and frankly I'm not surprised I'm one of the unlucky ones - I tend to have to learn things the hard way which in the end is better. Like next time I'm hooking the board up before I even put it in the case.
In the mean time, while I wait for the next board, Puppy 3.0 is out and I'll be taking that for a spin. When I get everything working I'll list all the components I'm using.
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1 comment:
Thanks! Very well written, I was looking for this.. I hope you keep this up, as it seems your a few pages ahead of me on this stuff. So far, I agree with all your choices, a real conformation for me, thanks again.
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