Thursday, September 13, 2007

Launchy I Love You

I am in the process of discovering the wonder, beauty, and power of a little open source program called Launchy. It is quite frankly one of those simple little programs I had read about a couple of times on one of my favorite sites, lifehacker, and thought what would I do with that? And now I am wondering how I ever got by without it!
For starters, it seemed silly to have a program put keystrokes in the place of just a few mouse clicks to start a program, but the ease of starting cygwin or firefox with alt-spacebar>c or f>enter and never taking my hands from the keyboard is frankly addicting.
Even better, I try to keep my 'top level' directory small, ie as few directories as possible when you first click on a drive, which can lead to some 'deep' traveling to directories I am using frequently. With Launchy I just add the directory to the list of those searched and indexed and I can easily pull up 'newinstallfiles' with a few key strokes.
Even cooler - I just added the foobar playlist directory so I can pull up my frequently played lists with, again, just a few keystrokes.
Try it - I guarantee you will quickly see why it has won so many awards. I know I have barely scratched the surface with plugins and other features.

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